
Our Mission

Kehillat Moreshet Avraham, a center for pluralistic Judaism in southeast Jerusalem, is celebrating its 50th year in 2023-2024. Fifty years of Torah, prayer, and charity. Fifty years of inclusive Jewish life, offering a Judaism of justice and hope to the residents of the Talpiot-East Arnona area. While we are proud of our past achievements, we also looked to the future, and to the challenges of the existence of a diverse and egalitarian religious community in our neighborhood. Read more...

Our Story

For over fifty years, Moreshet Avraham has been growing strong roots everywhere. Like Abraham, our forefather, who planted an Eshel tree in Beersheba, and built a center where every tired person came to revive his or her soul. In this way, we respond to his legacy and build our community so that it will meet the needs of our members and the needs of the local public. Together we raise a voice of faith, of healing and connection in Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish world.

Community Presidents • Community Rabbis • KMA Timeline

Programs & Activities

Beit Midrash: Learning Opportunities

Learning together is an important component of the community experience at Moreshet Avraham. We offer frameworks for studying, deepening, and getting to know the richness of the sources.

Judaism for All Ages

Throughout the year, Moreshet Avraham provides activities, educational performances, and special events for families around the Hebrew calendar. We are dedicated to our shared future and seek to nurture and expand programs for children and families.

Preparation for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs

A journey of familiarization and encounters with the Jewish bookcase, prayer, tallit and tefillin, and the values ​​of kindness and morality that the Jewish tradition strives for. The rabbis accompany the family before and during the ceremony and build the sermon together with the bar/bat mitzvah.

N.O.A.M. Talpiot Branch ("Talpaz")

NOAM, the youth movement of traditional Judaism, is a pan-Israeli organization that maintains a diverse community life throughout the country while emphasizing an egalitarian and pluralistic Jewish identity. NOAM's Talpaz branch has a vibrant home in Moreshet Avraham. We are proud of NOAM's educational work and are happy about the collaboration.


David Goodman


David Goodman is the rabbi of the Abraham Heritage Community in Jerusalem, along with his partner Rabbi Amirit Rosen, in a joint rabbinate model. Read more...

Amirit Rosen


Amirit Rosen is the rabbi of the Abraham Heritage Congregation in Jerusalem along with her partner Rabbi David Goodman in a joint rabbinate model. Read more...

Martine Cohen

Community Coordinator

Martine is a Holocaust educator and guide at Yad Vashem, a single mum and is on various committees at KMA.

Aliza Haas

Vice Chairperson

Aliza is a licensed real estate broker, professional grant writer and mother who has served on the KMA board in various roles.

Eitan Cooper


Eitan is a Jewish educator and Israeli tour guide, and until his recent retirement served as Executive Vice President of the Schechter Institutes.

Times of Prayer

We pray Shacharit at 8:30 AM every Shabbat and holiday.

Kabbalat Shabbat is held 20 minutes after Shabbat begins (in summer at 7:00 PM).

Talmud lesson every Shabbat an hour and a half before the end of Shabbat.

Mincha prayer one hour before the end of Shabbat.

Shacharit on Sunday mornings at 7:00 AM.

Shacharit on Friday mornings at 8:15 AM.

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