Vision Statement

Come connect with us: Kehilat Moreshet Avraham in Jerusalem

Rabbis Amirit Rosen and David Goodman

Kehillat Moreshet Avraham, a center for pluralistic Judaism in southeast Jerusalem, is celebrating its 50th year in 2023-2024. Fifty years of Torah, prayer, and charity. Fifty years of inclusive Jewish life, offering a Judaism of justice and hope to the residents of the Talpiot-East Arnona area. While we are proud of our past achievements, we also looked to the future, and to the challenges of the existence of a diverse and egalitarian religious community in our neighborhood.

Kehilat Moreshet Avraham is the only permanent synagogue building open 24/7 for hundreds of families and households in our area who wish to preserve the Jewish tradition in an inclusive and egalitarian atmosphere. This is a great responsibility and also an opportunity; we reach out to other pluralistic communities in our region and invite them to use our building for their activities during the week.

We appeal to the greater community. Members of KMA collect food for the needy residents of the neighborhood, and work in cooperation with local organizations to distribute it. Special donations are collected and distributed for the holidays of Tishrei, Purim, and Passover. We host neighborhood blood donation events and meal preparation for lone soldiers in the IDF.

Our approach to God's worship combines music, wisdom, and prayer to enhance our spiritual vocabulary and growth. KMA holds regular musical Shabbat receptions during the summer, and musical classes and events throughout the year: poetry and melody evenings, indie rock music with lyrics from Jewish sources, and choir concerts. And in the words of the Sages: "What is the work of the heart? This is a prayer." Therefore, we seek to give new meanings and melodies to ancient words.

In addition to egalitarian prayers on Shabbat, holidays, and weekday mornings, we combine study and Torah lessons. The rabbis of Kehilat Moreshet Avraham conduct Jewish study classes for adults at the "Beit Midrash for Judaism and Morals"; The "Generation to Generation" program offers cultural programs in the afternoon and a joyful Shabbat prayer for children; KMA hosts the very active South Jerusalem branch of the traditional "Noam" youth movement, which operates in our building twice a week in the afternoon.

Kehilat Moreshet Avraham provides space and companionship for think tanks and alternative Jewish organizations from Israel and abroad. Pre-military training schools and young people preparing for missions in Jewish communities around the world are brought by the Jewish Agency to KMA to learn about Jewish pluralism, shaping a diverse and multi-faceted religious atmosphere in Jerusalem.

We invite you to be a part of the next 50 years of our community!

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